Kaggle 课程(二)

探索性数据分析 EDA exploratory data analysis

  1. Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA): What and why? visualization —- idea idea ——- visualization
  2. Things to explore
  3. Exploration and visualization tools
  4. (A bit of) dataset cleaning
  5. Kaggle competition EDA

建立数据的直觉 building intuition about data

  1. Getting domain knowledge 了解数据,知道数据是关于什么的 –it helps to deeper understand the problem 2.Checking if the data ais intitive 错误的值进行手动调整,如出现年龄336, 应该变成33或者36 –And agrees with domain knowledge 3.Understanding how the data was generated It is crucial to understand the generation process to set up a proper validation scheme – As it is crucial to set up a proper validation

处理隐藏数据信息 Exploring Anonymize data

  1. What is anonymized data ? 哈希值的简化
  2. What can we do with it?

a. Explore individual features — Guess the meaning of the columns Guess the true meaning of the feature — Guess the types of the column Each type needs its own preprocessing df.dtypes df.info() x.value_counts() x.isnull()

b. Explore feature relations — Find relations between pairs — Find feature groups

可视化 Visualizations

1.Visualizations tools to … – Explore individual features Historgrams 不适用于所有的值都是唯一的或者很多重复的值,应该用不同的图来表示,验证是否合理 峰值精确地位于该特征的平均值 plt.hist(x) Plots 横坐标 row index 纵坐标 :feature value plt.plot(x, ‘.’) plt.scatter(range(len(x)), x, c=y) (index versus value) Statistic df.describe() x.mean(), x.var(), x.value_counts(), x.isnull() – Explore feature relations Scatter plots plt.scatter(x1, x2) 两种特征下, 类别的分布 若出现x1+x2=1这样的特征,如果使用基于树的模型,则可以用特征之间的差值或者比值作为一个新的特征 pd.scatter_matrix(df) df.corr(), plt.matshow(…) 若画出的corr图很乱,则可以使用K-mean 先聚类,在画图 df.mean().plot(style=’.’) df.mean().sort_values().plot(style=’.’) Correlations plots Plot(Index vs feature statistics) a.Pairs – Scatter plot, scatter matrix – Corrplot 对于理解特征相似性具有重要的作用 b. Groups – Corrplot + clustering – Plot(index vs feature statistic)


  1. Dataset cleaning a.constant features b.Duplicated features traintest.nunique(axis=1) == 1 如果某列特征在训练集和测试集上的都相同, 则不要那列数据 如果某列特征在训练集上相同,在测试集上不同, 此时考虑是否需要重建该特征 若有两个特征的值完全一致,则可以只用其中的某列数据 traintest.T.drop_duplicates() for f in categorical_feats: traintest[f] = raintest[f].factorize()

2.Other things to check a.Duplicated rows – check if same rows have same label – Find duplicated rows, understand why they are duplicated. b.Check if dataset is shuffled plot rowindex and mean, and after shuffling rolling_mean()

Springleaf 真实竞赛数据处理

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