Access Submission

layout: post

title: ACCESS: 投稿的一些经历 category: 生活 tags: Essay keywords: 生活,2020 description: —


投稿时,在Cover letter中,附上一封感谢信 Dear Associate Editor Mohammad Ayoub Khan,

Thank you for coordinating the review procedure of our manuscript. We appreciate that the Reviewer 2 would not involve the reviewing process.

Regards, XXX, Wang


1、虽然我们私下里说reviewer不行,但是写response letter不要硬怼回去,这样容易激怒他们。你对比看一下我写的,跟你写的 2、如果语法检查没问题了,可以提交了。cover letter 可以写简单写一卷谢谢副主编为我们coordinating review process。参考我邮件里面写的

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